Maintaining Your Commercial Irrigation System
Your commercial site’s grounds make a definite impression on your customers. Make sure it’s a good one by correctly maintaining your irrigation system. Completing regular irrigation maintenance gives your system a better chance of running smoothly throughout the entire season and performing to its full potential for years to come. It will also prevent brown grass and lackluster landscaping as a result of over or under-watering.
Don’t stress about maintaining your commercial irrigation system. Perficut can map out your current system and maintain it with seasonal service throughout the year. Our spring start-up, summer check-in, and fall shutdown appointments take complete care of all of your irrigation system’s needs.
Spring Start-Up
After being shut down all winter, your system needs help getting warmed up for all the work ahead. We’ll get your site’s irrigation system turned on correctly, so you don’t have to worry about burst fittings, which can happen when air pressure pushes water into an empty pipe too quickly. At this time our experts will also set the controller and check sprinkler head alignment so when it’s time to water, you’re ready to go.
Our team is also backflow certified, which means we have the training to test and repair your backflow preventer. This test is required by city and state codes and includes paperwork that must be filed with the city or the municipal water department. But you don’t have to worry about the details — that’s our job. We’ll take care of completing and filing it for you.
Monthly Check-Ins
Throughout the season we want to make sure that your system is functioning at its best. With monthly check-ins in June, July, August, and September, our team will make sure your irrigation system continues to run smoothly. During this time, we’ll also adjust the controller to best suit the current environmental conditions and specific needs of the site as well as revisit the irrigation head alignment to ensure correct coverage.
Fall Shutdown
Once the watering season ends, we’ll come back to drain the backflow and remove all the water from your system’s pipes. It’s important to be thorough about removing as much as possible to avoid freezing over the winter, which can cause serious issues in the future. To finish up, we shut off the controller and tag out the system, so you know it’s been winterized correctly.
When it comes to maintaining your irrigation system, our team makes it easy. We’ll take care of everything from top to bottom and make sure it’s done right. Give Team Perficut a call to get started!