photo of JC Obrecht outside

JC Obrecht

Senior Account Manager

JC Obrecht is one of Perficut’s Senior Account Managers. JC specializes in account retention, which involves creating lasting partnerships with our clients. JC manages contract negotiations, landscape enhancement proposals, and the delivery of quality service. His goal is to build trust through his accountability, honesty, and communication.

As part of the Perficut team, JC takes pride in his work by building relationships rooted in respect and dedication with our clients. His commitment to integrity and the excellent quality of work we provide ensures that he lives the details each and every day.

Favorite Food
Pizza—meat lovers with extra sauce

Favorite TV Show
The Office

Pet Peeve
When people say “I tried” or “I can’t”

First Job
Baseball coach for parks & rec. I have coached for 21 years and now I’m a high school freshman basketball coach

Hidden Talent
I used to DJ for weddings. I still announce things like high school volleyball. My dream job would be the stadium announcer for Hawkeye football games

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